The October meeting of the British Association of Fastener Distributors will focus on why certain types of fasteners are vulnerable to failure, why the causes are not always as straightforward as is sometimes assumed and what fastener companies can do both technically and legally to minimize exposure to consequential liability claims.
A special trial membership package opens this meeting to UK fastener distributors.
“As events in San Francisco over recent months have dramatically demonstrated the consequences of fastener failure can be massive and extraordinarily expensive. Fastener suppliers are often the first to be accused of responsibility even though subsequent investigation may prove that environmental factors were a major contribution.”
Bill Eccles of Bolt Science will look specifically at failure as a result of hydrogen embrittlement, exploring both causes emanating from the production and coating of high strength fasteners and environmental contamination of these fasteners once in application and under stress. He will also identify fastener types particularly vulnerable to these types of failure.
BAFD has also invited a senior partner of a UK contact and business law practice to explore what fastener companies should look out for in customer contracts and how they should approach their own conditions of sale and business practice to minimize the risk of consequential liability claims, which can run into millions of dollars.
The Association is also hoping to have a speaker considering liability insurance and how best to ensure fastener companies are best covered.
The meeting is open to all BAFD members but the Association is offering a limited number of three-month trial memberships, including lunch and meeting attendance for one delegate for GB £100 + VAT. Fastener distributors taking up this offer will have the option to confirm membership on a pro-rated basis for the balance of the year.
The BAFD meeting will beheld on Thursday 17th October 2013 at the Menzies Welcombe Hotel, Stratford upon Avon. Members and guests are welcomed with a buffet lunch from12:45. The meeting starts at 2 pm and continues until 5:30 pm.
For further information and an application form email info@bafd.org.
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