11/3/2014 12:53:00 AM
BIAFD Elects Budd as Chair

Geoff Budd

Geoff Budd

The British & Irish Association of Fastener Distributors unanimously elected Geoff Budd as chair for the next two years during its recent autumn meeting in Stratford upon Avon.

Budd has 38 years experience in the fastener industry and is currently a director of Trifast plc and European managing director of TR Fastenings. 

He succeeds Keith Harrison, managing director of the UK’s Hexstone Group of Companies.

Andy Witts, Bollhoff Fastenings Ltd, was re-elected vice chair and David Furness, Rapierstar Ltd., finance officer and director. David Jackson, Stainless Threaded Fasteners, continues as chair of the stainless steel fastener group.

“I am honoured to have been asked to take on the chairmanship of BIAFD and look forward to representing the interests of its members,” Budd commented to Fastener+Fixing magazine.

BIAFD is a founding member of the European Fastener Distributors Association, which holds two general meetings a year. Recent topics in EFDA’s email bulletins for members include EU antidumping, CE Marking for fasteners, global economic and raw material trends. The BIAFD is launching a revised Introductory Fastener Training Manual.

Membership is open to UK or Irish distribution companies with fasteners as primary products. Associate membership is for companies providing services to fastener distributors. Email: info@bafd.org Web: bafd.org

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• UK’s Trifast Reports “Best Ever” Results

Related Links:

• Fastener + Fixing Magazine