8/31/2015 12:38:00 AM
Bielefeld, Queenin Head NEFDA for 2015-2016

Dan Bielefield

Dan Bielefield

Dan Bielefield of Smith Associates, Inc. is the new president of the New England Fastener Distributors Association and Jon Queenin of Specialty Bolt & Screw is chairman.

Larry Ward is vice president and Mike Lenten of Spirol Distribution is treasurer and secretary. Rick Rudolph is the NEFDA representative to the Fastener Industry Coalition.

Directors are: Rick Ferenchick, Arnold Industries Inc.; Nick Panasian, ND Industries;Barry Carpe, All-Tech Specialty Fasteners LLC; Morgan Rudolph, Rick Rudolph Associates LLC; and Scott Graham, Tri State Fasteners.

The New England Fastener Distributor Association fifth Table Top show will be in a new location in Connecticut, association president Jack Sullivan announced.

The next NEFDA event is a trade show on September 16, 2015 – from 1 pm until 5:30 pm at Foxwoods Resort & Casino in Mashantucket, CT.  In addition to the Table Top there are morning technical seminars and dinner.

For NEFDA information contact: Executive director Nancy Rich. P.O. Box 473, Lake Zurich, IL 60047. Tel: 847 370-9022 Email: nefda@nefda.com Web: nefda.com