8/31/2012 11:01:00 AM
Birmingham Fastener Plans $2m Expansion
Birmingham Fastener Inc. plans a $2 million expansion of its Pratt City facility to meet rising demand, the Birmingham Business Journal.
The new equipment is expected to help create up to 15 new jobs.
Sales for 2012 have risen 20% for Birmingham Fastener’s manufacturing and distribution operations, and part of the increase is a demand for domestic fasteners, GlobalFastenerNews.com reports.
“Business is good,” vice president Brad Tinney told GlobalFastenerNews.com.
The company reportedly will receive Enterprise Zone tax credits from the state to support the expansion.
“The City of Birmingham is pleased to retain Birmingham Fastener and see it expand in the Pratt City community,” Birmingham Mayor William Bell stated.
Founded in 1980 as a distributorship by president Howard Tinney, Birmingham Fastener expanded into manufacturing by the end of the 1980s.
Birmingham Fastener has manufacturing operations in Birmingham, and distribution centers in Alabama, Florida, Texas, Nebraska, Connecticut and Wisconsin.
Birmingham Fastener is headquartered at 931 Avenue W, Birmingham, AL 35214. Tel: 205 595-3511 Web: bhamfast.com ©2012 GlobalFastenerNews.com