Bossard Group announced it’s first-half performance is “considerably stronger” than early-year expectations.

“High sales growth continued in all market regions after the first quarter 2017,” the company stated. “This positive trend will yield an above-average mid-year profit.”

Bossard said it’s seeing “above-average” growth rates across all market regions.

“This is particularly true for America, but also for Europe and not least for Asia.”

Consolidated net income in the first half of 2017 is expected to be more than 30% above last year’s CHF 31.3 million.

In addition to the above-average operating profit development, Bossard also realized an “extraordinary gain” from the real-estate sale at its former site in Austria.

During the first quarter of 2017,  Bossard sales grew 16.1% to CHF 197.9 million, including 10.3% in organic growth during the period.

Bossard will publish its first-half sales and income results in July. Web: