Martin Calfee of Copper State Bolt & Nut Co. and Leo Coar of Distributor’s Link were named as the first “Legends” in the fastener industry.

They were announced by Mike McGuire of Worldwide Fastener Sources in the latest of four industry awards he has created.

Coar, 90, founded Link in 1977 and continues as publisher.

Calfee, 85, founded Copper State Bolt & Nut Co. 50 years ago in 1972.

McGuire described a Legend as “someone who leaves behind an unforgettable impression on others. A Legend is committed to a large goal or vision, and they touch lives, they are remembered, and they are cherished because they are known for doing something extremely well.”

One of the factors used in selecting “Legends” are the Six P’s of Success: Passion, patience, perspective, personality, preparation and perseverance. “Both of our recipients meet these qualifications among other qualifiers,” McGuire said.

It is the fourth industry award McGuire has started.  In1981 he started what is now the International Fastener Expo Hall of Fame.  In 2020 McGuire announced his Fastener Innovation Award and in 2021 the Fastener Person of the Year Award.