Canada Joins U.S. Manufacturing Day, Making It North American

The Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters is joining the U.S. Manufacturing Day to expand the annual events across North America.

CME declared October as Manufacturing Month in Canada and is encouraging open house events during the month.  Web: mfgmonth.ca

The U.S. Manufacturing Day will be October 2, 2015. It was first held in 2012 to improve public perception of manufacturing with manufacturers hosting students, teachers, parents, job seekers and others for open houses and plant tours to show manufacturing technology and careers.  Web: MfgDay.com

“The skilled labor crisis exists on both sides of the border between our countries,” said the Canadian organization’s VP of public affairs and business develop Jeff Brownlee. 

“We all need to focus on creating a showcase for manufacturing and encouraging young people to explore manufacturing careers if we are to keep this vital sector of our economies strong in the decades to come. Through this collaborative effort we can deliver the important messages with strength and clarity.”

Manufacturing Day co-producers in the U.S. include the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, National Association of Manufacturers, the Manufacturing Institute and the National Institute of Standards & Technology’s  Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership.