9/30/2011 10:42:00 AM
Casey Products VP Connelly Wins ASM Award

ASM International awarded its Allan Ray Putnam Service Award to Michael Connelly, who is vice president of specialty fastener company Casey Products in Woodridge, IL.

Connelly was recognized for his active leadership in the ASM Foundation’s Materials Camp educational programs for young people, where he coaches “the next generation of engineers with boundless enthusiasm.”

Connelly was one of 15 scientists and three students recognized by ASM for their contributions to science and service. ASM will bestow the honors at its annual awards banquet during MS&T 2011, the Materials Science & Technology conference, in Columbus, Ohio on Tuesday, October 18.

The honorees work in industry, government, academia and other settings to understand the properties of, and discover new uses for, materials such as metals, ceramics, polymers and nanoparticles. Materials science and engineering’s experts and their innovations undergird advances in everything from spacecraft, smart phones and medical technology to corrosion-resistant screws and long-lasting tires.

ASM, a nonprofit professional association, boasts more than 36,000 members worldwide from many scientific and engineering disciplines. Its board of directors judged the award nominations. ©2011 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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