Coalition Unveils 30-Under-30 Program
Joanne Bialas
The Fastener Industry Coalition approved a “30-Under-30” program to promote rising individuals in the fastener industry. Honorees will be named this autumn.
The coalition of fastener organizations approved the new program during a meeting in conjunction with the Mid-West Fastener Associations 33rd annual Fastener Show in Chicago, FIC leader Joanne Bialas announced.
Nominations may be sent to FIC, P.O. Box 5, Lake Zurich, IL 60047. Fax 847 438-7580 Email: mwfa@ameritechnet
Bialas, national sales manager for International Fasteners Inc./Daggerz, also announced the Coalition is on Facebook and is launching a webpage: FastenerCoalition.org
The Coalition dates its origins to the 1980s (see Fastener History on GlobalFastenerNews.com: 1983 FIN – 10 Fastener Associations Representing 1,000 Companies With 30,000 Employees Hold First Joint Networking Meeting).
The Coalition was reactivated in the 1990s to work on the U.S. Fastener Quality Act legislation and has been meeting more actively in the past two years to promote individual associations working together.
The Coalition includes:
Fastener Training Institute
Industrial Fasteners Institute
Metropolitan Fastener Distributors Association
Mid-Atlantic Distributors Association
Mid-West Fastener Association
National Fastener Distributors Association
New England Fastener Distributors Associaion
North Coast Fastener Association
Pac-West Fastener Association
Southeastern Fastener Association
Southwestern Fastener Association
Women in the Fastener Industry