8/19/2015 10:14:00 AM
Cole Joins Hayes Bolt as General Manager

Kelly Cole (courtesy LINK Magazine)

Kelly Cole (courtesy LINK Magazine)

Kelly Cole is the new general manager of Hayes Bolt & Supply, president Suzanne Dukes announced.

Cole has been with Specialty Bolt & Screw and WCL Company. Cole was the last president of the Los Angeles Fastener Association and became the first president of the Pacific West Fastener Association when it was formed in 2009.

Dukes said Cole would continue his current association roles as a Fastener Training Institute board member and Fastener Industry Coalition.

Dukes was the 2008 president of the Western Association of Fastener Distributors – prior to WAFD and LAFA becoming the Pac-West.

Hayes Bolt was founded in 1976 by Dukes and Bill Hayes. She became the sole owner in 1984. 

Hayes Bolt distributes industrial and electronic hardware and components for the aerospace, automotive, marine and medical device industries and the military. Hayes Bolt is located at 2950 National Ave., San Diego, CA 92113. Tel: 619 231-5966 Web: HayesBolt.com



For more on the Hayes Bolt story, click on the Fastener History section of GlobalFastenerNews.com.

1984 FIN – Dukes Acquires Hayes Bolt

Dukes had been employed by Hayes Bolt since 1976 and managed the San Diego, CA distributorship since Bill Hayes moved to Hawaii in 1980.

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