Concrete Anchoring, Hiring & the Economy Among WAFD Spring Topics
John Wolz
New cracked concrete anchoring requirements, hiring and the economic recovery are among topics at the Western Association of Fastener Distributors spring conference.
Dr. Bill Conerly will speak on how economic recovery will come to the U.S. and the fastener industry.
A WAFD panel including Andy Cohn of Duncan Bolt and Bob Porteous of Porteous Fastener Co. will discuss ways to ride out the recession.
Representatives of Powers Fasteners will explain new masonry anchor suppliers’ responsibilities regarding AC193 and AC308 as promulgated by the ICC Evaluation Service. Previous concrete anchor reports for screw and adhesive anchors are no longer valid effective January 1, 2009.
WAFD will meet April 3-4, 2009, at the Hotel Monaco in Portland.
The spring meeting also features WAFD’s business owners and business executive forums. Dr. Steven Hunt, author of Hiring Success, will give employment tips to both groups during the forums.
In addition, there will be software user group meetings with Inxsql and Computer Insights and WAFD’s “supplier speed dating.”
For WAFD information contact Vickie Lester. Tel: 562 596-2040 E-mail: Web: