Dalgleish Heads Ifastgroupe

Jason Sandefur

Darren Dalgleish was appointed vice president and general manager of Ifastgroupe, Ivaco CEO David Goldsmith announced.
Dalgleish joined Ifastgroupe in 2006 as vice president of operations and new product development. He spent most of his first year at Ingersoll Fasteners and Infasco Nut.
“Darren’s fastener background and skills along with his forward-thinking vision will be a major factor in growing Ifastgroupe in the years ahead,” Goldsmith commented. “He is the man to build upon the successes of Ifastgroupe as a whole and lead the company through the challenges that lie ahead.”
Goldsmith also named Patrice Gervais as general manager of Infasco. Gervais has served as vice president of finance of Ifastgroupe since 2004.
Ifastgroupe LP is part of Ivaco, which has four operating locations: Infasco, an 800,000 sq ft bolt and nut manufacturing plant located in Marieville, Quebec; Ingersoll Fasteners, a manufacturer of special bolts and parts located in Ingersoll, Ontario; Infasco Nut, a nut and specialty product importer and manufacturer located in Mississauga, Ontario; and Galvano, a plating company located in Beloeil, Quebec. Ifastgroupe also has a network of thirteen distribution and logistics operations across North America. Web: infasco.com �2007 FastenerNews.com