Dentist Kianor Shah has started Universal Fastening System based on ideas developed from needing to change angulation and eliminate stripping of fasteners in implant surgery. He has applied for four patents.
Universal president Andrew Gallup described the fastener as “a hybrid between a bolt, a screw, a nail and a nut. It will not strip on entry and removal, can be driven at almost any angle, and has an internal and external dual connection for increased traction and intimate friction.
It is refined so the carrier holds the fastener for manual or automated placement efficiency, can be flush-mounted with increased tamper-proof quality, and hidden from environmental conditions, such as rusting and corrosion, Gallup added. Universal fasteners can be produced in metal, rubber and plastic.
Initially Universal plans to supply government, defense, aerospace, automotive, transportation and furniture industries. Universal is located at 1601-IN Main St 3159, Jacksonville, FL 32206 Tel: 618 917-5805 Web: