4/19/2012 12:17:00 AM
DoD: Lift ITAR Controls on Space Industry Components

The U.S. Department of Defense recommended some U.S.-built satellites and components, including fasteners, should be transferred from the US Munitions List (USML) to the Commerce Control List (CCL) for greater export flexibility.

The Section 1248 report summarizes a DoD and State Department risk assessment of U.S. space export control policy. Congress requested this report from the secretaries of defense and state in Section 1248 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (Public Law 111-84).             

The report also recommends that Congress return to the president authority to determine the export control jurisdictional status of satellites and related items. 

It further recommends that DoD be provided authority to apply appropriate monitoring and other export control measures to individual cases, in order to most effectively reduce risks to national security.              

“The United States can safely modify the export controls placed on satellites and related component technology that are widely available, while maintaining firm control on systems and technologies deemed truly critical to national security,” said Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Jim Miller. 

“The steps recommended are fully consistent with the administration’s broader export control reform efforts, which aim to build higher fences around fewer items.”              

“Implementing the recommendations in this report will facilitate cooperation with U.S. allies and export control regime partners, strengthen the competitiveness of sectors key to U.S. national security, and increase U.S. exports – all while maintaining robust controls where needed to enhance our national security,” said Miller. 

“With the report that we have just sent to Congress, we’re hoping we can move forward with energizing our industrial base,” DoD stated.

Click here to read DoD report. ©2012 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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