Dukes Heads WAFD

Jason Sandefur

Suzanne Dukes of Hayes Bolt & Supply was elected president of the Western Association of Fastener Distributors.\
Dee Silver of Barnhill Bolt was elected vice president and Cleon Cox of Bay Standard is secretary.
Dukes succeeds Alison Hubbard of North State Fastener.
Elected to the board were Bob Porteous of Porteous Fastener Company and Silver. Continuing board members are Russ Doran of Timberline Fasteners and Randy Kemp of Kemper Products.
WAFD marked its 25th anniversary at the spring meeting. The next conference will be October 10-14, 2007, in Seattle. For information contact executive director Vickie Lester. Tel: 562 596-2040 Fax 562 596-2940 E-mail: wafdhq@aol.com Web: wafd.org �2007 FastenerNews.com