11/9/2015 1:25:00 PM

Terry Earle
Terry Earle
Tom Leahy
Tom Leahy

Terry Earle of Fort Worth Bolt & Tool Co. is the 2016 president of the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association and Tom Leahy of Border Construction Specialties is vice president.

Earle is COO and sales manager of FWBTCO, which serves industrial and construction customers from its Fort Worth, TX, headquarters and branches in Dallas and Denton. The company was founded in 1949.

New directors are: Steve Bailey of Bailey Tools & Supply; Sean Baird of Hampton Roads Fasteners & Construction Supply; Dan Esch of Esch Construction Supply; and Al Talbot of Western States Tool & Supply.

Board members are elected to three-year terms.

New manufacturers liaison committee members are: Spencer Loveless of Dustless Technologies; Steve Olsehver of Seymour of Sycacome; Keith Ripley of Diamond Products; and Robin Roberts of Protective Industrial Products.

New members of the Rep Liaison committee are: Aime Cedrone of AMVAL Associates; and Bob Koenig of Mountain West Sales.

Executive director Georgia Foley reported during the 2015 39th annual convention that STAFDA membership stood at 2,570, including 1,059 distributors, 1,177 associate manufacturers, 314 rep agents and 20 trade press affiliate members. 

STAFDA was founded in 1976 by 18 distributors. Web: STAFDA.org