Eastern Europe Economy Boosting Fastener Fair in Germany

John Wolz

Advance registrations from Eastern Europe and Russia are up for Fastener Fair Stuttgart, the show organizer reports.

Fastener Fair reports 439 companies from 37 countries are booked to exhibit at the September 19-20, 2007, trade show in Germany.

Show organizer Jerry Ramsdale is not surprised at the increase from Eastern Europe. “If you look at Poland alone, you can see that industrial output for 2007 is forecast to rise by between 10% and 13%.”
Figures from Poland'”s Central Statistical Office show a 5.6% year-on-year increase in industrial output for June. Ramsdale noted the average figure doesn'”t show the substantial growth in manufacturing, machinery, metal products and construction sectors. “This growth is being reflected all over Eastern Europe, also extending to Russia and the Ukraine,” Ramsdale observed.

The trade show will be open 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday and 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday.

Those pre-registering by September 5 will receive fast-track entrance, an event catalogue and advance information on the show and Stuttgart.

The first Fastener Fair Stuttgart in 2005 drew 198 exhibiting companies, 1,603 attendees from 51 countries as scanned at the show entrance and 456 exhibitor staff.
For information contact Jerry Ramsdale. Tel: (44) 1727 739 150 E-mail: jerry@fastfair.net Web: fastenerfair.com
�2007 FastenerNews.com