“Job loyalty is out the door with the new mentality in the workforce,” consultant Eric Chester told the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association.

Chester, author of “Reviving Work Ethic: A Leader’s Guide to Ending Entitlement & Restoring Pride in the Emerging Workforce,” said today’s employees expect to be treated individually. “I’m not standard,” is the new mentality. “People want to be listened to.”

Chester opened his presentation with the story of Bob Knopps, who wound wire for 59 years until retiring in 2009. “That doesn’t happen anymore,” Chester noted.

However, the traditional work ethic of “knowing what to do and doing it” remains important, he said.

Hiring should be “constantly trying to upgrade,” Chester advised.

Employers should turn to friends, competitors and social media to find better employees.

Employers should consider skills vs. core values in seeking and hiring employees, Chester said. Those core values include employees who are “positive, reliable, professional, take initiative, have respect, integrity and gratitude.”

Hire candidates who fit into the company:  “People like to be with people they like,” Chester pointed out.

After hiring, “Management must inspire employees,” Chester said.

“Customers know,” Chester said of good and bad employees.

Chester cited as a good example of working with employees, one company which features a ”quick little huddle” with each team as they begin the work day, Chester noted. 

In the huddle it is mentioned what is going well, where improvement is needed, and what is needed to do a better job.   Web: EricChester.com