The European Commission has released a notice that the regulation imposing anti-dumping duties on carbon steel fasteners from China (extended to Malaysia) will expire 1st February 2014, unless EU producers request an expiry review, Fastener + Fixing Magazine reports.
The ‘notice of impending expiry of certain anti-dumping measures – (2013/C 148/04)’ explains that: “Union producers may lodge a written request for a review. This request must contain sufficient evidence that the expiry of the measures would be likely to result in a continuation or recurrence of dumping and injury.”
“Should the Commission decide to review the measures concerned, importers, exporters, representatives of the exporting country and Union producers will then be provided with the opportunity to amplify, rebut or comment on the matters set out in the review request.”
EU producers can submit a written request for a review up until three months before the expiry of the original regulation. If the Commission should decide to conduct a review the measures will stay in place until the completion of said review. ©2013 GlobalFastenerNews.com & Fastener+Fixing Magazine
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