EU Protests China Fastener Tariffs To WTO

The European Commission requested World Trade Organisation consultations with China regarding the provisional anti dumping imposed by China against imports of certain fasteners originating in the EU, reports Fastener+Fixing Magazine. The December 28, 2009, measures applied an antidumping duty of 24.6%.

The consultations are the first step in the WTO’s dispute process, and provide a sixty day period during which both parties are supposed to seek a mutually acceptable solution. If an amicable agreement cannot be reached the EU will have the option to apply for a WTO panel to rule on the dispute.

China made a similar application to the WTO last year in relation to EU anti dumping duties on carbon steel fasteners from China. The WTO panel ruling on this case is expected to be presented to the two parties this summer. ©2010 GlobalFastenerNews.com and Fastener + Fixing Magazine

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