8/4/2010 12:25:00 AM
Fastener and Rail Repairs To Shut Down D.C.’s Metrorail Stations
Largest maintenance shutdown in Metro’s 34-year history
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority announced that five Red Line Metrorail stations will be closed during the entire Labor Day weekend, representing the largest maintenance shutdown in Metro’s 34-year history.
Metro is closing the stations to save money on several major rehabilitation projects, most of it work recommended by the National Transportation Safety Board.
As many as 500 workers will be replacing track switches and installing 750 new track fasteners, 1,720 new crossties, 525 feet of new track, 500 new rail insulators, new heater tape and new tunnel safety lights.
By shutting down the five stations, WMATA will save about $1 million in late-night maintenance costs and 150 days of single-tracking between the five stations.
The repairs are part of Metro’s effort to comply with NTSB safety recommendations related to the June 22, 2009, collision that killed nine people and injured another 76 passengers. Web: wmata.com ©2010 GlobalFastenerNews.com
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