Fastener Fair 2007 Adds 3rd Exhibit Hall

John Wolz

With more exhibitors booking space a year in advance than exhibited last year, Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2007 announced it is adding a third hall. The first two halls for the September 19-20, 2007, European fastener & fixing technology trade show are approaching sell out.

“More companies had signed up, with a year to go, than the total in Stuttgart in 2005,” show organizer Jerry Ramsdale pointed out. “Stands were bigger and so were the ‘names’ that had booked.”

Since September an average of 10 companies per week have committed to space for 2007. “And we mean ‘space.'” Ramsdale emphasized. “These are not last minute corner fillers, we’re talking high profile companies with stands anywhere up to 135 sq meters.”

The Fastener Fair Stuttgart is held every other year, alternating with Fastener Fair in the UK in even-numbered years. For Fastener Fair information contact Jerry Ramsdale. Tel: (44) 1727 739 150 Fax (44) 1707 831033 E-mail: Web: