John Wolz
There were a total of 1,603 visitors to Fastener Fair Europe as counted by scanning badges at the entrance, Show Data Systems reported.
Nearly three quarters of visitors registered at the show. Of the 816 registering in advance 48.4% did not actually attend.
There were 456 exhibit staff.
Visitors came from 51 countries with the host country of Germany dominating with 42%. Italy was second with 9.5% and the UK had 6.8%. More than three quarters came from Western Europe and the combined Eastern (10.5%) and Western Europe totaled 94%.
Scandinavian visitors – the longest traveling distance within Europe – accounted for 4.7%.
Among the countries: Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Syria, Russia, South Africa, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, China, Taiwan, Canada and the U.S.
Distributors, importers and wholesalers totaled 59%. Manufacturers totaled 33%, corresponding to the 32% expressing interest in manufacturing technology (heading, tooling, wire, heat treatment and inspection).
The next Fastener Fair UK is scheduled April 5-6, 2006, in Coventry, England. E-mail: Web: �2005