•  The Industrial Fasteners Institute is conducting a Fly-In to Washington, DC for May 12-13, 2015 meetings with legislators.  Managing director Rob Harris said the event includes with Congressional visits and specific industry asks.  Web: industrial-fasteners.org

•  The Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association members will meet with congressional offices during the association’s third congressional Fly-In June 3-4, 2015.  Issues include the Small Business Tax Relief Act, Qualified Research Tax Credits, Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvement Act and reauthorization on funding for road, bridges and transit.  Web: stafda.org

•  The American Wire Producers Association will hold a briefing of the House of Representatives Wire and Wire Products Caucus on June 2, 2015.  AWPA is combining its event with the June 2-3 National Association of Manufacturers Manufacturing Summit.  The Manufacturing Summit will promote trade issues, including Trade Promotion Authority and the Enforce Act.  Web: awpa.org

Contacting Congress

All federal legislators have offices in their home districts as well as Washington, DC.

“A face-to-face meeting has the potential to have more impact than a letter; a letter, more than a phone call; a phone call, more than an e-mail,” writes U.S. politics expert Kathy Gill.

When writing, it’s important that the elected official know you are a constituent.  All correspondence should contain your physical mailing address.  And use your own words (avoid boilerplate text). 

“Be courteous, be brief, be specific.”

For a list of mailing and email addresses, visit Congress.org.