11/12/2010 1:42:00 AM
Fastener Point Cracks Contributed to Space Shuttle Discovery’s Leak

Cracks found on an aluminium strip separating the liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen tanks on the Space Shuttle Discovery likely caused leak that derailed the November 5 launch attempt.

The strip, known as a stringer, provides structural integrity for the external tank where liquid hydrogen and oxygen are stored. 

The cracks measure around nine inches long and have increased doubts whether Discovery will be able to launch on its last ever flight to the International Space Station this year as planned.

“During the foam removal, two cracks were found on the stringer on both the left and right side along the fastener points. The cracks are approximate 9″ in length with gap of approximately 0.05″. The foam has been removed, so the full extent of the visible crack has been exposed.”

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