The FIN Fastener Stock Index fell 6.9% in the opening quarter of 2015, reversing gains it made during the final quarter of 2014. A comparative index of related industrial stocks rose 2% during the first three months of 2015.

Only seven of the 20 public fastener companies tracked by the FINdex gained share value in Q1.

In 2014 the FINdex lost 2.5% of its value, compared to a 7.2% gain by an index of related industrial stocks.

After dropping 7.1% in the third quarter of 2014, the FINdex gained 2% in Q4, compared to a 3.5% gain by an index of related industrial stocks.

The final period of 2014 was marked by strong gains and losses for the 20 public companies tracked by FIN.

To see how individual companies performed in the opening quarter of 2015, FIN subscribers can click here.

Subscribers can also read a summary of the last seven years of fastener results for FINdex companies by visiting the FIN Stock Review section on GlobalFastenerNews.com.

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