IFI Plans Heat Treating Seminar

John Wolz

The Industrial Fasteners Institute will conduct a seminar on heat treating fundamentals.
The one-day seminar will be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. June 27, 2000, at the Ramada Plaza Hotel O�Hare in Rosemont, IL.
The seminar is designed for plant foremen and supervisors, procurement specialists, technicians, managers and distributors to acquire heat treating knowledge. The presentations have been developed for audiences with limited or no background in metallurgy or heat treating.
Roy Hardy, executive director of the Heat Treating Network, is the instructor. After the lecture a panel of heat treating representatives will discuss actual situations, practices and precautions.
Topics include basic metallurgy, heat treating theory, processes, equipment, quality control, carbon, alloy, tool and stainless steels, aluminum and titanium.
The seminar costs $395 for non-IFI members. The registration deadline is June 16. For information contact the IFI. Tel: 216 241-1482. Fax 216 241-5901. Web: www.industrial.fasteners.org