A webinar on basics of fastener testing will be conducted June 30, 2020.
The webinar is from 1pm to 3pm ET and is sponsored by the Fastener Training Institute and the Industrial Fasteners Institute.
Instructors will be IFI technical director Dr. Salim Brahimi; IFI director of training Laurence Claus; and Carmen Vertullo of Aim Testing Laboratories.
Topics include how fastener testing is included in Consensus standards; determining what tests to conduct and sample size; different hardness testing methods; Axial tensile, wedge tensile and proof load testing; shear testing; fatigue testing; hydrogen embrittlement, testing tapping screws; and the basics of salt spray testing.
IFI members are free; non-members are $49 per company. Registration: bit.ly/IFIJune30
For more information: Tel: 562 473-5373 Email: info@FastenerTraining.org