Fein Keynoting at NFDA Fall Meeting

John Wolz

Economist and consultant Adam Fein will be the keynote speaker at the National Fastener Distributors Association fall city meeting.
The meeting will be October 25-27, 2001, at Adam�s Mark Hotel in Denver.
The NFDA will conduct its first �Train the Trainer� technical sessions of six one-hour blocks of instruction on fastener topics.
The NFDA has reserved 50 hotel suites for associate members to conduct new one-on-one sessions with distributor members. There will be ten 25-minute �Executive Sales & Planning Sessions.�
Fein will discuss the Distribution Research & Education Foundation report scheduled for release that month.
Breakout sessions include Dale Van Leeuwen, IBIS Corporation, speaking on VMI, bin stocking, Kanban and JIT supply chain; Al Bates of Profit Planning Group, �Surviving the Expense Squeeze�; and Fein giving additional information from the DREF report.
For information contact NFDA executive vice president Dave Merrifield. Tel: 216 579-1571. Fax 216 579-1531. E-mail: nfda@nfda-fastener.org Web: nfda-fastener.org. \
� 2001 FastenerNews.com