3/26/2013 10:17:00 AM
Ferry Cap & Screw, Union Settle Dispute Over Moving Headers Within Ohio
Ferry Cap & Set Screw Co. and the International Association of Machinist & Aerospace Workers reached an agreement guaranteeing 12 union member jobs in connection with moving header machines.
Union members had feared that the company’s plan to move equipment from Lakewood, OH, to Elyria, OH, would threaten their jobs.
The company dropped a suit against members of the union’s District Lodge 54 for refusing to work overtime, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported.
The company and union employees settled their differences, leading the company to drop the lawsuit alleging that employees refused to work overtime.
Ferry Cap intends to move heading equipment for manufacturing specialized fasteners to the Nelson Stud Welding plant in Elyria. The Elyria plant is owned by Ferry’s parent company, Doncasters Inc. The agreement gives the 12 machine operators plus two apprentices an option to transfer to Elyria and keep seniority.
Union president Dean Wright Jr. said in a prepared statement that the agreement “allows the company to move its equipment and provides financial incentives for its employees to stick with their machines, while also agreeing to limitations on mandatory overtime for the next year. To soften the blow on our members at Nelson Stud, we agreed that they would get a one-time bonus and an extra holiday.”
Ferry Cap issued a statement: “The union and Ferry Cap agreed to working arrangements that will allow Ferry Cap to continue its outstanding service and quality to its customers during the transition of heading operations. Ferry Cap is pleased that the agreement will preserve high-quality, skilled jobs in the region.”
Ferry Cap said the Lakewood plant may eventually be used for other manufacturing, according to the Plain Dealer.
The company filed the suit in February in U.S. District Court saying employees were not working overtime to support a grievance the union had filed in August 2012. The grievance involved the equipment’s move and expressed concerns about workers job security. The union suggested the move was an effort to subcontract work.
Judge James Gwin had issued a temporary restraining order prohibiting union members from concertedly refusing to work overtime. ©2013 GlobalFastenerNews.com