1/27/2015 8:24:00 PM

The fastener industry expressed low confidence in the White House on business issues, but even lower in the incoming U.S. Congress, according to the End of 2014 FIN Survey.

A 64% majority rated their confidence in the White House as “Very Low” (44%) or “Low” (20%). A quarter of the participants put their confidence at “Moderate”; 2% “High”; and 6% “Very High.”

In comparison with the End of 2014’s 64% combines “Low” plus “Very Low” on business issues, a year ago it was 69%.  And the end of 2012, it was 65%.

The incoming U.S. Congress had a lower percentage of negative ratings on business issues than the White House, but no FIN Survey respondents checked “High” or “Very High” confidence. 

With more than one-third having “Low” confidence in the incoming Congress plus 23% “Very Low,” together there was a 57% majority rating Congress negatively.  A total of 41% responded as having “Moderate” confidence in the legislative branch.

But the 57% negative rating for the incoming Congress is better than a year ago when 75% of End of 2014 participants rated Congress “Low” and “Very Low.”  

At the end of 2012 the negative total was 80%.