John Wolz
Fastener industry confidence in both the White House and U.S. Congress on business issues continued to be low in 2008.
The outgoing administration started out at a 3.5 rating at the beginning of 2001. By the end of 2007 it rated 2.3 where it remained at the end of 2008.
FIN Survey participants are asked to rate from 5 being “Very High” to 1 being “Very Low.”
A 52.1% majority graded the White House “Low or “Very Low compared with a total of 10.4% responding “High” or “Very High” and 30.6% rating the political confidence in the White House as “Moderate.”
At 1.9 Congress rated even lower than the White House. The high for Congress was 3.5 at the end of 2000 and a year ago it was 2.1.
Nearly a majority (47.9%) rated Congress as “very low” and another 25% rated it “low.” Only 5.6% rated Congress “high” or “very high.” �2009