12/9/2013 12:02:00 AM
Foley: Economic Indicators Mixed

Monthly measures of non-residential building projects in planning rose each month of 2014 through September, but October yielded a slight dip. The government shutdown and debt ceiling deliberations “have raised concerns with developers,” the executive director of the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association reported.

McGraw-Hill Financial reported total construction starts for the first three-quarters of 2013 were up 2013 over last year, Georgia Foley told the 37th annual STAFDA convention. The gain was limited by a 63% plunge in electric utilities projects. Residential building is up 26% thus far this year with single family housing growing 29% vs. multi-family 17%.

The National Association of Home Builders attributed a dip in the Housing Market Index to increased mortgage rates.

Production bottlenecks are blamed for rising building material costs. Glass, drywall and wood products manufacturers had reduced production during the recession and are boosting prices before returning to full capacity.

“Have we shrugged-off the effects of the recession?” Foley asked. She said the National Federation of Independent businesses and the National Association of Manufacturers would respond “No.”

Foley noted that two months ago the two groups conducted a survey of 800 small business owners and manufacturers and 55% find the U.S. economy is in a worse position for companies to succeed than three years ago.

And two-third of survey participants find economic uncertainty is making it difficult to grow their businesses and hire more employees.

“I guess we’re stuck in neutral,” Foley summarized.  

STAFDA Activities for 2013
During 2013, STAFDA released a best practices guide to distributor purchasing habits – titled “Effective Supply Chain Management” – by inventory consultant Jon Schreibfeder. The two sections include “Purchasing 101” and an advance section with formulas and theories.

STAFDA sponsored its first “Congressional Fly-In” and Foley declared it “an eye-opening experience.”

“It’s very easy to complain about the government and our legislators, but it’s something altogether different to actually visit their office in Washington, DC, on Capitol Hill, and meet with them,” Foley explained. “It is something every American should do at least once.”

The next STAFDA congressional fly-in will be June 12, 2014.

STAFDA changed it annual college scholarship program  to scholarships for the University of Industrial Distributor, which the association has sponsored for years.  STAFDA provided $1,000 scholarships for member distributors.  STAFDA will increase the number of scholarships from 10 to 15 for the March 2014 program.

Convention numbers in Las Vegas were up this year with 4,853 registrants and 796 booths, compared with 4,236 registrants and 776 booths last year in Orlando.

Foley reported STAFDA currently has 1,074 distributor members, 1,129 associates, 324 rep agents and 22 affiliates (press), for a total membership of 2,549. Membership a year ago was 2,516; 2,558 in 2011; and 2,584 in 2010.

STAFDA’s 38th annual convention will be November 9-11, 2014, in Charlotte. Web: stafda.org ©2013 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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