7/9/2010 7:11:00 PM
Geist Speaking at NFDA Fall Meeting

Business author Sam Geist will be the keynote speaker at the National Fastener Distributors Association fall meeting.

Geist built a 15-store sporting goods retail business with $40 million in annual sales before selling it to a competitor. He then opened a marketing & consulting agency before becoming a speaker and author 15 years ago.

The NFDA autumn meeting will be September 14-15, 2010, in Chicago.

The program also includes a panel discussion on fastener industry best practices and Executive Sales Planning Sessions.

For information contact NFDA executive vice president John Hausoul. Tel: 312 527-6671 E-mail: jhausoul@nfda-fastener.org Web: nfda-fastener.org ©2010 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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