Recently Hilti unveiled its newest product: Tracefast smart fasteners. These new traceable fasteners allow for unique identification and digital documentation on the job site, according to ProTool Reviews.

“Jobs that require documentation for every anchor, screw, and bolt require lots of paperwork,” writes Chris Boll for ProTool.  “Hilti realized they could streamline the process by leveraging the IoT (Internet of Things) to provide users with some solutions.”

This includes fastener documentation and tracking, digital access to relevant setting instructions, training & inspection documents, and even certifications, according to ProTool.

Each fastener comes with a data matrix code (DMC)—a sort of QR-style code laser-printed directly on the fastener, which makes every fastener uniquely identifiable and traceable, ProTool reports.  The ID contains the item number, batch number and a serial number.

You can then use the Hilti Connect app on your smartphone to scan the code and view the installed fastener details, as well as document the fastener or anchor placement and installation.

“The anchor identification that we bring to the market now paves the way for increasing jobsite productivity across the application chain, helps provide traceability from design and ordering to installation, and eventually ‘smarter’ products,” stated Muthu Manohar, Senior Director of Fastening & Protection at Hilti North America.

Such technology is useful with the increasing trend of inspections on safety critical applications.”

For more information about the product, to see a demo, or to download the Hilti Connect app, visit