Hopwood: Will Antidumping Lead to ‘Improper’ Importing of Chinese Fasteners?
“There is greater uncertainty now than I can remember in all my years in business,” the new president of the European Fastener Distributors Association declared at the group’s third triennial conference.
Geoff Hopwood said protectionism is making economic conditions worse. “We are not yet sure how the consequences of the current antidumping measures will work out, how international markets will adjust or settle.”
Hopwood voiced concern over the possibilities of businesses cheating by bringing in Chinese product improperly and the possibility of further antidumping actions, adding, even if they dont happen the uncertainty is unsettling for our business.
Even in times of economic challenge there are opportunities for strong companies to prosper,” Hopwood told the more than 100 delegates from Europe and guests gathered in Italy.
In contrast to distributors’ questioning of antidumping, manufacturer Jean-Paul Micheau said the European Industrial Fasteners Institute would “always react to any situation where it believes there are unfair practices.”
EIFI president Micheau told the distributors he would “not spend a single word to convince word to convince you that antidumping also has positive aspects, but remarked, the EIFI was surprised by the level of AD duties and added it was now a reality which all our businesses have to face.
Micheau called for the fastener organizations to work together on issues where they are “in the same boat.” ©2009 GlobalFastenerNews.com
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