Show management announced “an increase in qualified buyers per exhibitor” at the 2019 International Fastener Expo and added that “a greater portion of all attendees were sourcing and procurement professionals.”
There were over 650 exhibitors at the largest North American fastener trade show held Sept. 17-19, 2019, at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.
Show owner Emerald Expo announced there were 59 new exhibiting companies and an increase in master distributors attending.
Exhibitors displayed 70 product categories.
Show management announced 5,000 registrations from 30+ nations for the 39th annual trade show.
The previous owners of the then National Industrial Fastener & Mill Supply Expo annually announced specific participation numbers – 4,499 total registrations – with 1,248 being distributors in their last year of 2015.
Emerald Expositions acquired IFE after the 2015 show and has subsequently not announced specific figures. However, they announced increases totaling 26% for 2016 and 2017, which implied total registration at 5,669 for 2017.
Emerald also announced 5,000 for 2018. The number apparently includes exhibit staff, distributors and other attendee categories. Previous show management gave separate figures for the different categories.
New for 2019 was an opening morning’s inaugural golf tournament, where more than 100 players and 26 teams. There were 12 conferences during 2 1/2 days and the trade show on Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday included inducting Edward McIlhon of Assembled Products Inc. and Martin “Marty” Nolan of R.L. English Co. into the IFE Hall of Fame. Baron Yarborough of Spring Bolt & Nut Manufacturing was recognized as the Young Fastener Professional of the Year.
IFE business development manager Morgan Wilson said show management is “motivated by creating a space for our customers to learn, network, and have fun.”
Emerald operates 55 B2B trade shows, which in 2017 drew a half million global attendees. Web:
The next IFE will be Sept. 28-30, 2020, again at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV. Web:
“As usual and as expected, opening day early morning started slow but turned into consistent steady traffic. “The team was pleased with the number and overall quality of attendees stopping at the booth,” a multi-decade exhibitor reflected. “However, the last day proved to be otherwise and could have been omitted.”
“I felt the traffic on the floor was light compared to previous years,” said a regular exhibitor who is active in numerous industry events. “Looked like attendance was down. However, we did see a lot of good customers and made it a productive couple of days as we could. I thought the Welcome Reception was very nice.”
A major exhibitor declared the company “extremely pleased with the improvement of the show from previous years.” Attendance was “at an all-time high” at their booth on the first day. “However, we still believe Day 2 could benefit by going back to shorter days than extending it until 4 p.m. Not as good as last year, but still ok the 1st day.”
“Good show” a veteran exhibiting manufacturer declared. “We will be back next year.”
Some exhibitors complained that the show directory had an incomplete listing of exhibiting companies.
“Attendance seemed light and show management forgot to list over 100 exhibitors in their show program,” another multi-decade exhibitor said.
No exhibitor complimented the full day on the second trade show day – the hours were extended to 4pm in 2018 instead of 1pm.
“Everyone is gone by noon the second day,” one exhibitor pointed out. “Tear down started at 1 p.m. and people were leaving. The people who stayed were just upset they had to stay. Why does show management fight that with longer hours?” the exhibitor asked.
Another exhibitor pointed out that the 4pm closing instead of the traditional 1pm meant many employees couldn’t fly home until Friday – increasing out-of-office costs.
“Management should consider the booth people’s time away from their job,” said an exhibitor who brought four people. They were out of the office for nearly a week as the longer second trade show day meant many could not fly home immediately after the show – increasing exhibiting company lodging and meal expense, the exhibitor noted.
One exhibitor offered an alternative to show management if it wants a longer second day: “They need to make Day 2 relevant. It is not productive at all.”
- Another exhibitor asked to return to the 9am second day opening. “This year the show started at 10 a.m., which made it harder to actually network with the customers. Distributors are leaving for their lunch meetings around 11 a.m. to noon.” By opening at 10am instead of 9am, exhibitors lose an hour of customer interaction.
- A domestic-based importer complained about moving the entrance to promote the “Source Global” section from what the IFE map showed. “We understand that everyone paid good money to be at this trade show, but to cater to some more than others, especially when the majority of the exhibitors were not listed in the program, is a little concerning to those who paid good money to be there.”
- “Many of us would love for the Vegas show to be moved,” said one exhibitor who thought moving the show from Las Vegas could bring “some of our smaller customers.”
- “It is so expensive for us to send four people and do a booth,” said one exhibitor in reference to union rates for services in Las Vegas. He was suggesting finding a less expensive city for exhibiting.