IFI Moves to New Headquarters With Metalworking Training & Education Space
John Wolz
The Industrial Fasteners Institute moved its headquarters to a new location, which can house the “most advance metalworking training and educational systems in the country,” managing director Rob Harris announced.
The office is co-located in a new building with the Precision Metalforming Association. Harris said “other similar associations are evaluating joining the initiative.”
The IFI is now located in suburban Cleveland at 6363 Oak Tree Blvd., Independence, OH 44131. The IFI contact numbers remain the same: Tel: 216 241-1482 Fax 216 241-5901 E-mail: rharris@indfast.com Web: industrial-fasteners.org
The IFI was founded in 1931 when a dozen fastener manufacturers met in Cleveland to form the American Institute of Bolt, Nut & Rivet Manufacturers. The IFI name was adopted in 1949.
Today the IFI members are North American manufacturers of bolts, nuts, screws, rivets and special formed parts. Suppliers to the fastener industry are associate members.
The IFI currently has 77 manufacturer members, 35 associate members and a staff of five. �2006 FastenerNews.com