IFI’s Wilson to Retire, Greenslade New Technology Director

John Wolz

Charles Wilson, the Industrial Fasteners Institute”s director of engineering, will retire after 43 years with the manufacturers organization. Joe Greenslade will succeed Wilson as the new IFI director of technology.\
Wilson, who turns 70 this year, will consult for IFI as an independent contractor during 2007. He and his wife, Mary Ann, will be honored at IFI”s Annual Meeting at the Ritz-Carlton in Sarasota, FL, in March.
Among the honors Wilson has been given over his career include the American Society for Testing & Materials” Weingruber Award for “exceptional leadership and sustained service in fasteners”; the American Society of Mechanical Engineers dedicated service award; and the IFI”s Soaring Eagles meritorious service award for “outstanding service in achieving higher levels of mechanical fastener standardization and enhanced technical practices facilitating improved application and use in all sectors of the economy on both domestic and international levels.”
Wilson is a fellow of ASTM and was chair of the F16.94 subcommittee on terminology. He is a member of the SAE fasteners committee, the Standards Engineering Society and the Bolting Technology Council. Wilson is an ASME fellow and chair of the ASME committee for fastener accreditation. He was a member of the U.S. Department of Commerce Fastener Quality Act advisory committee.
Before joining the IFI, Wilson taught at Cleveland State University. He holds a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from Case Institute of Technology and a masters degree in mechanical engineering from Bucknell University.
Greenslade: Web-based Technical Help Coming
One of Greenslade”s first projects in his new role is designing a new program called the IFI Fastener Technology Connection. The program will function as a web-based subscription service for technical information on fasteners. Greenslade is working on an extensive website that will include more than 10 modules on such topics as torque calculation, inch-to-metric conversion and thread dimensions.
Subscribers will also gain access to IFI expertise through e-mail and phone contact.
“This is a very new approach for the IFI,” he explained.
Greenslade has written on technical subjects during his career, which has included positions at Camcar-Textron and Rockford Headed Products. He has also served on ASME B1 and B18, ASTM F16 and SAE. Greenslade helped with efforts for the U.S. Fastener Quality Act and the Aerospace Screw Thread Conformity Task Forces. He has been a board member of A2LA, and has served as the IFI associate suppliers” division chair.
“It is not often that an organization is able to bring aboard an individual with such widespread public recognition and the credibility Joe brings to IFI,” the organization commented.
In his capacity as technology director, Greenslade will serve as the official IFI representative to all standards organizations.
Greenslade told FIN he hopes to bring more clarity and unification to metric standards. But he made clear that he sees his primary role as a facilitator. “I have no plans to being a know-all, do-all standards person.”
Greenslade also hopes to trim corporate travel by conducting technical committee meetings through web conferences.
Infusing his work with new ideas is nothing novel to Greenslade. He fondly recalled a recent comment made by IFI director Rob Harris that “working with Joe is like trying to drink from a fire hydrant.”
That sentiment would not surprise those who know Greenslade. His knowledge and enthusiasm for the fastener industry is no secret.
Less known is that Greenslade owns a collection of modern art and is himself an artist involved in multimedia sculpting. He told FIN that his interest in modern art reinforces his technical skills. “There is never only one way to express an idea.”
After 29 years as head of Greenslade & Co., he sold his dimensional calibration services business to associates Larry Borowski and Larry Mclaughlin.
Though he has left his company, Greenslade is not moving to the IFI”s hometown of Cleveland. Greenslade quipped that when the IFI offered him the position, they prefaced their remarks by assuring Greenslade that he would not have to leave his home state.
“I guess the only thing I”m more loyal to than the fastener industry is Texas.”

Editor”s Note: Founded in 1931, the IFI represents North American manufactures of industrial, aerospace and automotive fasteners and suppliers of raw material and production services. The IFI, headed by managing director Rob Harris, is headquartered at 6363 Oak Tree Blvd., Independence, OH 44131. Tel: 216 241-1482 Fax 216 241-5901 E-mail: rharris@indfast.com Web: industrial-fasteners.org �2007 FastenerNews.com