Industrial Rivet & Fastener Opens Chicago Warehouse

Jason Sandefur

Industrial Rivet & Fastener Co. Inc. is partnering with B. Finder Associates Inc. of Wood Dale, IL, to open a Chicago area warehouse that stocks RivetKing fasteners.

The new warehouse is managed by Cecilia Parker and is located at 250 Beinoris Drive, Wood Dale, IL 60191. Tel: 630 766-9708 Fax 509 757-9708 E-mail:

B. Finder principals Mark Finder and Maurizio Furlan have a combined total of over 50 years of experience in the marketing, sales and distribution of fasteners. “Our full service warehouse will maintain a full inventory of RivetKing products beginning September 15th,” stated president Mark Finder.

Industrial Rivet will broaden its coverage area by stocking the product in the territory. “Keeping inventory local to the customer is by far, the best way to get the products into the hands of the customer; faster,” says Industrial Rivet vice president Steven Sherman.

Headquartered in Northvale, NJ,Industrial Rivet & Fastener Co. manufactures engineered permanent fastening systems and blind rivets. Web: �2008