The U.S. International Trade Commission announced preliminary antidumping and countervailing duty investigations (Nos. 701–TA–498 and 731–TA–1213–1214) on imports from India and Thailand of certain steel threaded rod.

These investigations are being instituted in response to a petition filed on June 27, 2013, by All America Threaded Products Inc., Denver, CO; Bay Standard Manufacturing Inc., Brentwood, CA; and Vulcan Threaded Products Inc., Pelham, AL.

The petitioner is requesting that antidumping (AD) and countervailing (CVD) duties be imposed upon the steel threaded rod from India at rates ranging from 23.6% – 129.6% and that AD duties be imposed upon subject merchandise from Thailand at rates ranging from 65% – 77% (in addition to normal customs duties), according to KPMG.

The Commission’s Director of Investigations has scheduled a conference in connection with these investigations for 9:30 a.m. on July 18, 2013, at the U.S. ITC Building, 500 E Street SW., Washington, DC. Requests to appear at the conference should be filed with William.Bishop@usitc.gov and Sharon.Bellamy@usitc.gov by July 16, 2013. 

The ITC must reach a preliminary determination in antidumping and countervailing duty investigations by August 12, 2013. ©2013 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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