J.W.Winco Expands Website; Publishes Catalog
John Wolz
J.W.Winco launched an expanded website with more the 250 new products: jwwinco.com. The website includes online pricing and downloadable CAD models and RoHS designations. J.W. Winco also published a new 80-page Product Overview Catalog with product photos and key features.
Winco is a wholesale distributor and manufacturer of machine parts and assembly components with exclusive distribution agreements with German and Italian components producers, as well as product distribution rights with U.S. and Japanese manufacturers. Winco’s in-house machining division offers special manufactured components and secondary machining. Winco is headquartered at 2815 S. Calhoun Rd., (P.O. Box 510035), New Berlin, WI 53151. Tel: 262 786-8227 or 800 877-8351 Fax 262 786-8524 or 800 472-0670 E-mail: sales@jwwinco.com �2008 FastenerNews.com