McClure: Same Advice for All NFDA Presidents

John Wolz

The first woman president of the National Fastener Distributors Association said her advice to the second woman to lead the 39-year-old organization Bryn Tuttle-Stock is the same as she would offer a male president.
“Find out what the organization needs to meet the member needs and expectations – lots of dialogue with members and the board asking for input,” the 1988-89 president counseled. “Decide on the projects/initiatives that are achievable in one year or that could be firmly in place within a year. Be sure the board members are in agreement on these priorities. They need to be things the members will want to be involved in or benefit from in some way.”
And McClure advised Tuttle-Stock to “keep NFDA differentiated from other fastener organizations.”
“I’m delighted that another woman is president of NFDA – that’s just wonderful,” McClure responded.
She served on the board with Bryn’s father, Robert Tuttle. The Tuttle family of Spencer Products Co. “are such good businessmen and such nice people – she comes from an excellent background,” McClure added. “It sounds like the next generation has stepped up to lead and that’s how it should be. The organization always needs youth and new leaders.”
McClure became president on the “advice and counsel in particular from Win Adams and George Wasmer,” she recalled.
After several years living in New England, including in a rural Connecticut house built in 1780, McClure last month moved to Georgia to be within four hours of seven of her eight grandchildren. Her new address is: 141 Gold Rush Run, Dahlonega, GA 30533. \ �2006