Network Partners McGuire & Lucas Start Cross-Marketing Program
Global Fastener Network LLC is starting a marketing program with sibling company American Fastener Journal.
AFJ, which is owned by Mike McGuire, will provide profile articles on Network suppliers. The Network is owned by McGuire and Rob Lucas. Lucas also owns Hong Kong-based importer Fidelis Fasteners Ltd.
Network suppliers also will be featured in other AFJ publications.
Global Fastener Network is an importing and buying group seeking to lower the price of fasteners by importing multiple container quantities and through a supplier program. The Network is headquartered at 27081 N. 96th Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85262. Tel: 480 488-3500 or 630 532-0458 E-mail: mmcguire@fastenerjournal.com or rlucas@globalfastenernetwork Web: globalfastenernetwork.com