Pac-West president Russ Doran of Timberline Fasteners (left) and NFDA president Jay Queenin of Specialty Bolt & Screw. Photo by Tracey Lumia, Distributors Link magazine.
Joe Greenslade, Industrial Fasteners Institute director of engineering technology, speaking at the Pac-West autumn conference. Photo by Tracey Lumia, Distributors Link magazine.
The National Fastener Distributors Association wants to bring the industry together with one national organization … and that may be a new group with a new name “without any possible baggage.”
NFDA task forces spent the summer “brainstorming” on concepts for the future of the distribution organization, which could win member and industry support.
“We want to end up with an industry that is united,” NFDA president Jay Queenin declared at the association’s autumn meeting. “We want to elevate the industry.”
Joe Greenslade, director of engineering technology for the manufacturing-oriented Industrial Fasteners Institute, told NFDA members at the meeting that he personally has “long urged a greater unification of all fastener suppliers. There is value in all pulling together.”
Advocates of a broader national fastener organization frequently point to the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association as the blueprint. With its trade show revenue, STAFDA provides more member benefits and has never raised dues. In addition to a national convention, STAFDA holds regional meetings.
FIN subscribers can click here for the story of the NFDA meeting.
Editor’s Note: For background on industry attempts to consolidate associations, click on the Fastener History section of GlobalFastenerNews.com for: 2000 FIN – Perspective: A Renewed Form of Consolidation? Ruetz sees an advantage of some form of consolidation as eliminating the cost of redundancies.
For a history of NFDA executives:
2006 FIN – Hausoul Follows Merrifield, Dickson, Langholz & Vaughan as NFDA Executive
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