NIFS/West Reports Advance Registration Up

John Wolz

Advance registration for the National Industrial Fastener Show/West is running ahead of previous years, show manager Susan Hurley announced.
The ninth annual trade show will be November 16-18, 2005, at the Paris/Ballys hotels in Las Vegas. Conferences and an opening reception will be on Wednesday and the trade show of Thursday and Friday.

Hurley announced that there are 1,253 registrations, including 817 distributors.
The top three states in registrations are neighboring California with 163, Illinois 134 and Ohio 123.
Las Vegas distributor registration totaled 1,286 last year and 976 in 2003. The record NIFS/West registration was 1,386 in 2000 and the top NIFS distributor registration was 1,753 in Columbus in 1995. Actual attendance is not known because show management does not use a verified attendance system and the show is not audited.

Exhibitors can retrieve registration data on attendees at using assigned username and password.
For information contact NIFS. Tel: 614 895-1279 Fax 614 895-3466 E-mail: Web: �2005