8/18/2015 4:47:00 PM
Nominations Sought for 30 Under 30

The Young Fastener Professionals Association and the Fastener Industry Coalition are seeking nominations for the 2015 class of 30 Under 30.

Nominees must be driven, motivated, and passionate about their jobs and the future of the fastener industry. They can range in departments, levels of experience, and geographic location and can be nominated by colleagues or themselves.

The nomination form is available online: youngfastenerprofessionals.com/nominate.

The winners will be recognized at the National Fastener Industrial & Mill Supply Expo in Las Vegas, October 21, 2015.

A committee of five members of the FIC and YFP will choose the 30. The committee will be comprised of FIC ad YFP members.  Each member will see each application.

Because measurable indicators such as GPA are not used, the decisions will be subjective. Committee members will consider position within company; length of time in current position; measurable progress such as cost saving initiatives, sales increases, demonstrable efficiency increases in their statement/essay; and biographical information.

Committee members who work with any of the nominees will not be allowed to vote on those applicants unless there is a 2-2 tie from the other committee members.  

The FIC provides support and resources to fastener industry regional and national associations to help improve efficiency, effectiveness and membership value. Web: fastenercoalition.org

FIC members:
•    Fastener Training Institute
•    Industrial Fasteners Institute
•    Metropolitan Fastener Distributors Association
•    Mid-Atlantic Fastener Distributors Association
•    Mid-West Fastener Association
•    National Fastener Distributors Association
•    New England Fastener Distributors Association
•    North Coast Fastener Association
•    Pacific-West Fastener Association
•    Southeast Fastener Association
•    Southwest Fastener Distributors Association
•    Specialty Tools and Fastener Distributors Association
•    Women in the Fastener Industry

While respectfully preserving the industry’s past, the YFP is the next generation shaping the business spectrum through technology. This organization hopes to create a platform for young professionals and the businesses employing them to develop, educate, and enhance a variety of business initiatives through strategic analysis. YFP also hopes to serve as forum for networking, referrals and professional support to improve the fastener industry as a whole. Web: youngfastenerprofessionals.com