Jude Nosek of Keson LLC will be the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association 2022 Associate State-of-the-Industry speaker.

Nosek, vice president of marketing and new product development for Keson, will speak at the October 30-November 1 convention in San Diego.

STAFDA president Al Guthrie of DXP Enterprises will give the distributor State-of-the-Industry address.  Survivalist Bear Grylls will give the keynote address entitled “Resilience & Overcoming Obstacles.”

Previously Nosek worked for Anixter writing marketing materials, was a project manager and creative director designing sales and marketing.

In 2004 he developed marketing for Keson – which was founded by his grandfather Roy Nosek in 1968.  “Keson” is the “Nosek” family name spelled backwards.  In 2018, Roy’s grandsons Aaron, Jude and Dave partnered with the Scheyer Family, owners of SOLA Measuring Tools Company in Austria, to form Keson LLC.

Illinois-based Keson manufactures measuring wheels, levels, tape measures and chalk line reels.  Web: Keson.com

For information on STAFDS’s 46th annual convention contact Catherine Usher.  Tel: 262 784-4774  Web: STAFDA.org