NSI Industries acquired Bristol, CT-based Metallics, a manufacturer and supplier of fasteners and related supplies. The deal allows NSI to further inroads into the electrical, HVAC and building technologies markets.

Founded in 1959, Metallics produces fasteners in its central Connecticut plant through its affiliate, Avanti Screw, Inc. Web: Metallics.us

“Metallics has been serving tradesmen since 1959 with a foundation built upon quality, reliability, and innovation,” stated David DiDonato, CCO for NSI. “NSI has been interested in the Fasteners category for some time and we’re delighted to be bringing the Metallics product line into our portfolio.”

“During our 62-year history, Metallics has employed hundreds of families in and around Bristol, and they have all played a role in our success,” stated Metallics president Randy Mola. “Longevity and loyalty have played a key role in our success, and today 30 percent of our workforce has been with for more than 22 years.”

Founded in 1975, Huntersville, NC-based NSI supplies products for the electrical, building technology and HVAC markets. Web: NSIindustries.com