Nylok Changes Its Official Name

John Wolz

The official name is now Nylok Corporation instead of Nylok Fastener Corporation, president Max Dorflinger announced. “The word �Fastener� in our corporate name sometimes misled people into thinking we were a manufacturer or distributor of fasteners,” Dorflinger explained. Nylok supplies nylon patch locking elements for internally and externally threaded self-locking fasteners and value-added fastener products.
Nylok, founded in 1942 as Fibre Locknut Company and a Marmon Group company since 2000, has registered more than 150 patents for self-locking technologies and other processes and coatings
Macomb, MI-based Nylok has processing facilities in five U.S. states and Canada and licenses 20 companies in Asia, Europe and South America to produce and use patented technologies. Web: nylok.com �2002 FastenerNews.com